The Honey Diet

I decided to try the Anabology Honey Diet for a week.

Was I insane? Maybe.

But here’s what I committed to.

The Diet

Here’s the full protocol.

Waking – 3pm
As much of simple, non-starchy sugars as you want. No fat, no protein.

  • Honey
  • Orange juice
  • Maple syrup
  • Dates
  • Grapes
  • Cherries
  • Oranges
  • Watermelon
  • Black coffee with sugar (If you absolutely want protein, do gelatin only in this phase)

Afternoon: 3pm – 7pm

Fast. Go to the gym. Burn off that last blood sugar.

Night time: 7pm onwards
I prefer to do something big:

  • 1 lb lean beef
  • 1 lb green vegetables (well cooked – broccoli, asparagus, etc.)
  • 1 lb boiled mushrooms
  • A glass or two of chocolate skim / low fat milk

Eat dinner. Then sleep.

After One Month

I’m honestly impressed with the results. I dropped about 6 pounds, and my energy levels are through the roof.

Multiple people have commented that I look like a “lean mean fighting machine,” especially noticing changes in my facial structure.

One important note: I had to remove dates from my morning options because I couldn’t lose weight while including them.

After Three Months

I lost 12 lbs and cut my body fat by 7% eating mountains of honey for 90 days.

In 3 months, the Honey Diet transformed me.

DEXA scan results:

  1. I lost 12 lbs (164lb to 152lb)
  2. I dropped body fat from 24.2% to 17%
  3. I increased lean muscle mass from 19.1 – 19.5
  4. Bone mass stayed the same
  5. My energy is off the charts, PR-ing most workout

This is the most fun and easy diet I’ve tried.

No tracking and I never got bored.

From wakeup til noon, I eat unlimited honey / fruit / maple syrup / black coffee.

I fast a few hours from 4pm to 7pm.

I eat food that is mostly high in protein, mid in fat, low in carb.