Hyrox: A Test of Mind and Body

I competed at Hyrox among 6,000 others, and the atmosphere was electric.

My heart was pounding, and the energy in the arena came in waves.

The intensity was addictive.

The Drive

Race day gives me a thrill like nothing else.

It’s that pure adrenaline rush of one event that defines everything.


Competition wakes up something primitive in me.

When strong people compete, we make each other stronger.

Reality Hits

But Hyrox knocked me down a few pegs. Here’s what went wrong:

  1. My finish time was worse than I’d planned
  2. I hadn’t trained enough because life got busy
  3. I wore the wrong shoes
  4. The hotel fire alarm went off at 3 AM

I’m not making excuses – this is just what happened when my determination got tested.

The Mental Battle

This event challenged my mind more than my body.

Every burpee and wall ball felt like a hammer hitting me, turning exhaustion into mental toughness.

Breaking Through

My brain wanted to quit long before my body needed to.

But I learned to tell myself “Not yet.” I just kept going – one rep, one step at a time.

Me at the finish line


I discovered I’m tougher than I thought.

Next year I’m coming back stronger in Houston and Miami. Just watch me.