May 1, 2024
My season of wandering has come to an end.
The past few years were a rollercoaster.
In my techbro chapter, I worked hard, burnt out, sold my company, and burnt out again.
I was offered ungodly sums of money to stay in a job that I hated. But the pit in my stomach told me it was time to leave.
So as 2022 ended, I burned the boats and resigned with no backup plan. Money couldn’t buy what I was seeking.
I began a new chapter — wandering the globe and searching for answers.
I’ve journeyed to the ends of the earth, lived in the depths of the jungle, and spent days in silence. I’ve also refused to get a haircut.
I’ve lived in the lush paradises of Costa Rica and Bali. What a blessing to make my home in a place that most people only dream of instagramming.
Except on many days, it neither felt like a blessing nor a home.
Agendaless wandering healed my burnout, but it also left me feeling aimless.
With no preprogrammed “work” to do, it was just me, my thoughts, and my patterns. Over and over.
Again and again.
Day after day.
I faced deep, inescapable discomfort. Physical, mental, and spiritual. With nowhere to hide, I confronted parts of me that long lived in the shadows
A man needs a purpose, and in this discomfort I found mine.
I will support other men on their journey. As they grow and grapple with life’s thorniest questions. I’ve been profoundly transformed by simply being witnessed. Witnessed by men who became brothers. I will provide the same.
For 16 months, I‘ve been seeking. And I’ve learned that seeking is overrated. No person, place, or thing will complete me. I am already whole.
For 16 months, I made friends, lovers, enemies, and everything in between. Every person I met was my teacher. But the ultimate teacher is the quiet wisdom of my heart. When I listen to that, I cannot be lost.
For 16 months, I’ve been flowing, glowing, and growing. Now it’s time to root down.
I return to Austin, TX a changed man. Yet this is who I’ve always been.
I have my purpose and I have the answers. Now, it’s time to unfold them.